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Maui Post-Fires Coastal Water Quality Monitoring Program

Is the Ocean Safe on West Maui?

During the August 8 fire in Lāhainā, toxins and pollutants were immediately leaked from sunken boats and released into the air via smoke. Unfortunately, the ash that continues to cover the burnt area of Lāhainā Town is contaminated with heavy metals and other toxins that are dangerous for humans to breathe or be exposed to. The Maui Chapter is undertaking additional water quality monitoring to better understand the impacts of these toxins in the nearshore, ocean areas surrounding Lāhainā. 

Surfrider Foundation Maui Chapter’s goal for collecting water samples near Lāhainā and along the west coast of the island is to get more information to the public regarding the safety of the water for recreational use. Based on feasibility of testing, toxicity to humans, initial data we are currently testing for metals in Lāhainā burn zone and surrounding nearshore coastal waters including Olowalu (directly makai of the Temporary Debris Facility). 

Maui Post-Fires Coastal Water Quality Monitoring Program Resources: 


Initial Post-Fire Water Quality Results

On January 10, 2024, the Surfrider Foundation Maui Chapter collected samples at eight coastal sites along the Lāhainā coastline. We did not find evidence during our initial sampling run of fire-related contamination that would put human health at risk from recreation in the ocean. Read more >

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Fire Impacts to Ocean Users

The Maui Chapter has been particularly focused on understanding how post-fire toxins may impact ocean goers. Read recent blog posts related to the Lāhainā fire below.

Toxic ash & debris remain present along the Lāhainā shoreline. We strongly advise individuals to avoid the nearby ocean areas.

Blue Water Task Force Data

As part of its Blue Water Task Force Program, the Surfrider Foundation Maui Chapter is analyzing water quality samples along West and South Maui for enterococcus, a fecal indicator bacteria that can indicate the presence of human wastewater or contamination from warm-blooded mammals like pigs and goats. Results after a heavy rain event on January 9 show areas along both West and South Maui exceeding state health standards.


Post-Fire Water Quality Resources

West Maui Water Quality 

Upcountry Maui Post-Fire Resources